Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My choice is no choice

Last week was pretty hard. I forced myself to exercise Monday thru Wednesday. By Thursday I convinced myself that it would be one of my days off and I'd workout Saturday Instead. Well we all know where that went.

I prayed, I read, I asked God to show me where I was going wrong. I did my bible study on change and how to make Godly choices. But I still didn't know how to overcome my weakness in choosing unhealthy foods. I was strong one day then completely caved the next. I understand that change comes from a thousand little decisions all in the same direction, but I want victory in my choices.

Then yesterday God answered. My focus was wrong. I was focussing on choosing between different foods or whether to exercise when my choice needed to be no choice. I needed to realize that all choices have already been made. Exercising is NOT optional; eating right is NOT optional. God has blessed me with another day of life and a body that works and I need to honor that by using them to their fullest. Each day I need to strive to be my best and the choice has been made. I made one BIG choice that supersedes the little ones.

So Monday I reveled in the fact I can once again garden and Tuesday night I pushed past my stiff muscles and did my 30 mins on the treadmill. As for my food choices, focussing on my big choice will keep me in line day to day and each day I do that will make the next one easier and more natural.

Thank you Lord for answering my calls and showing me your truth! Be with me and give me strength for today. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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