Life is a journey and I've chosen to let God guide me though my personal journey. And I invite anyone who would like to follow along, to stop by and take a peek, and of course, any comments are welcome...
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Thankful thursday
I've had success with the caffeine and am doing better with the gluten. Exercise, not so much. Each day I say I'll get back on track but so far I haven't done it. I'm not beating myself up about it, just trying to be honest. I know the caffeine was a big thing. All the dental stuff was also big. The root canal was finished last night and that's all for a while. I've been very shaky & scared over all this work, last night was the worst when he tried to work on my tooth without any freezing. That didn't go well, but all worked out.
Realistically, I think for this week I need to celebrate my successes, analyze my next steps for next week and just be content knowing this is just a couple of weeks in my new lifelong journey. Thanks Lord for your peace, wisdom and love.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Day 3 - caffeine + root canal = tough night
Monday night my I had my root canal scheduled. It's always easier than I expect it to be. Lots of prayer while sitting in that chair!! And thanks that I have a dentist I like and trust. Last night was tough again but easier than Sunday. Now hopefully I am over the worst of it. I just tell myself that this has to be the last time I do this to myself. I have been convinced for some time now of the negative impacts of caffeine on my body. It is evident in the withdrawals I go through. I have started to think of caffeine like smoking. It's bad for me and simply not worth it.
Tonight I get back to my exercise again too.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Today is the Day
So the day is finally here. God willing today is the day I say goodbye to caffeine's control over my life. The time has come to move to the next step on this journey of change. It is a very scary step. I have tried this many times and failed but this time I know I can have victory because God is going before me, to fight for me and with me. Thank you Lord.
Last week was a lost week while we were away. I did do a fair amount of walking but no formal exercise time. When we got back work was crazy busy with a 3 day workout session. I probably should have pushed through but I'm not losing any sleep over it. It is what it is and I'm okay with it. Now on to a new week and a new step.
Thursday, June 07, 2012
I've got his number
I was good yesterday, I called the dentist and made the appointment for my root canal. I need to make an appointment for my physical and I think I'll get her to refer me for massage for my neck. The new insurance company will only pay if referred by a doctor.
I'm feeling like I'm just a bundle of aches today. The more I reflect on it the more I think its just an enemy attack trying to throw me off my game. Sorry. I've got your number now, won't work!!
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Wednesday Update
Last night I was out late at the mall unexpectedly. I didn't get in my walking at home but since I spent over an hour walking in the mall I guess that counts. Today I've got the chiropractor before work then out with the gang for Diane's 50th tonight so it's my scheduled night off.
Ok so now about the dentist. I really don't know why I'm so reluctant. On Monday he started the work, doing my lower right side. It's a little sensitive still but seems to be okay. When I think about it, I'm really happy to be getting it done. It's actually a great relief. Next step is the root canal, I have to make the appointment for that.
Friday I have the day off. It's the weekend for Derek's Mego Meet in Wheeling WV. We stop off in Niagara Falls to pick up the storable food shipment, then on to WV for Friday & Saturday. Sunday we head out to Florence, Kentucky to visit the Creation Museum. Perry has invited us to dinner Sunday night and then Monday we get a tour of the Answers in Genesis offices. The weekend will be busy but a lot of fun. God continues to open doors with the AIG group.
So that's a bit of my week. Lots more going on at work and home, too much to write this morning //:-) for now I have to finish up and get ready for my busy day!! Talk later.
Friday, June 01, 2012
Friday Victory
Yesterday at lunch the whole weight loss thing came up and I shared quite a bit about my new change. I am getting more open - at least a bit more - about the role my faith plays in my plan. I am confident by this time next year I will be a lot more fit and a lot more slender, so I guess I'm setting the groundwork now for the questions I know will come and the explanations I'll be asked to share. I'm not good at sharing my faith in the work environment but I know God will give me the words if I ask.
Today will be a crazy day as its month end, but then I have the weekend before me. Lots to do at home getting the kitchen back together after Derek's work he did last week.
Yesterday Jan called me to tell me the townhouse is up for sale. It was very surreal to look at pictures of our old home a couple of years later. Pictures that were taken by someone else. It doesn't look like they made any changes at all. I guess that's a testimony to the work we did.